
Riparian Field Guides

Your Remarkable Riparian graphic                                                                             Your Remarkable Riparian

Riparian Area Management

Final TR 1737-20

Final TR 1737-19

Final TR 1737-16

Stream Visual Assessment Protocol 2

TPWD Best Management Practices for the Conservation of Texas Watersheds

Texas Forest Service Best Management Practices Website, (Download Guide)

Texas Forest Service: Forests and Water Website

Texas A&M Forest Service: Water Resources Blog

Texas Forest Information

Kansas River and Stream Corridor Management Guide

Common Plants of Concho River Valley

Common Plants of Central Texas 2012

Managing Riparian Habitats for Wildlife


Resources from Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD)

Harris County LID and GI Design Criteria Manual

HCFCD Design Guidelines for Wet Bottom Basins

HCFCD Streambank Stabilization Handbook

HCFCD Field Guide for Plant ID_Reforestation


Natural stream restoration: Restoring Streams

This is the first in a series of three videos about natural stream restoration. These videos are hosted by Dr. Jason Vogel, P.E., stormwater specialist in the department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering at Oklahoma State University. The first video is about healthy streams and what makes them work and what makes them healthy. The second video is about things that can make the stream unhealthy, what can degrade the banks and destroy the habitat. And the final video is about tools and methods that we can utilize to restore the stability of the stream bank while returning the habitat to the stream.

Natural Stream Restoration: Restoring Streams Part I

Natural Stream Restoration: Restoring Streams Part II

Natural Stream Restoration: Restoring Streams Part III

Living with Texas Fire

The Living with Texas Fire videos showcase aspects of prescribed burning and wildfire mitigation targeted toward empowering and encouraging Texas landowners to become fire-ready. The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service developed educational materials that empower landowners with safe prescribed burn practices. The materials also help to strengthen the Prescribed Burn Associations and Burn Schools knowledge-base of prescribed burning in Texas.

Living with Texas Fire Videos

There are 20 videos in the Living with Texas Fire series.  Click the PLAY ALL button to watch all of the videos in the series. Click the PLAYLIST link on the video to browse to a chapter. You can follow this link to view this Playlist on Youtube.

For more information, please contact Dr. Morgan L. Russell: 325.657.7317 or . You can also follow Dr. Russell on Social Media: @eXMorganRussell or West Texas Rangelands on Facebook


Proper Functioning Condition Resources:

Glossary for PFC

TR 1737-20 “Grazing Management Processes and Strategies for Riparian-Wetland Areas”

Final TR 1737-16 Revision “A User Guide to Assessing Proper Functioning Condition and the Supporting Science for Lentic Areas”

Final TR 1737-12 “Using Aerial Photographs to Manage Riparian-Wetlands Areas”

Final TR 1737-8 “GTR-47 Monitoring the Vegetation Resources in Riparian Areas”

TR15 NEW – Draft “Proper Function Condition Assessment for Lotic Areas”


A great guide to Central Texas Wetland/Riparian Plants:

Central Texas Wetland Plants


From the Texas A&M Forest Service: Resources about Urban and Community Forestry

Provided are resources on how to effectively manage trees in urban areas. Some topics that are discussed include: watering trees wisely, what’s wrong with my tree?, how to care for my tree?, tree health issues, the benefit of trees, and tree ordinances.


Forestry BMPs:

Middle School Educational Tools:

The Colorado River Alliance, recently developed a great outreach tool in partnership with TWDB. It’s called Texas 2040 and is a game designed for middle-schoolers to make different decisions to balance the water needs of a growing population and available management tools with financial resources and environmental needs. Each turn gives you a weather report and options for conservation education, technology, or new sources:


Feral Hogs:

This web site was designed to provide information to landowners and the general public on feral hog control, damage, diseases and hunting tips.

Damage caused by feral hogs is a growing problem because of their destructive feeding habits, potential to spread disease and increasingly growing population. The resources provided here are intended to increase the understanding of feral hog biology, natural history, damage management, and control techniques.

Coping with Feral Hogs webpage:

Responses to the Feral Hog Problem (Publications and video resources)

AgriLife Extension’s Feral Hog Youtube Channel


Do you live in North Texas? Here’s a list of the Top 100 Plants for North Texas compiled by AgriLife’s Dallas Water University.

View list of Top 100 Plants for North Texas (pdf)

Don’t live in North Texas?  Then use the Earth-Kind Plant Selector to find plants for your part of Texas.


Texas Well Owners Network Resources:

The Texas Water Resources Institute (TWRI) along with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service’s Department of Soil and Crop Sciences and the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering developed the Texas Well Owner Network (TWON) designed to deliver a science-based, community-responsive education curriculum. The program is funded through the TSSWCB. The TWON program is for Texas residents who depend on household wells for their drinking water needs. Well owners who want to become familiar with Texas’ groundwater sources, water quality, water treatment, and well maintenance issues should join our network or view our upcoming Well Informed screenings and Well Educated training courses. Included resources include:

Fact Sheets

Additional Resources



Groundwater Tutorial

Anatomy of an Aquifer

Edwards Aquifer Informational


2017 Draft Schedule of talks