Riparian Notes
Riparian Notes
by Steve Nelle, Retired NRCS Texas
The original intent of “Riparian Notes” was to be a very informal in-house NRCS educational tool. The idea was to provide some very basic riparian information in a digestible one page format. The natural resource community in Texas (landowners, land managers, interested citizens, NGO and government agency workers) in general are not very aware of riparian issues. The range discipline in Texas until very recently, has ignored the importance of riparian areas and we have unintentionally treated them like sacrifice area.
The desire for the notes is to increase the awareness and appreciation of the function and the values of creeks and riparian areas and to foster a better understanding of the connection between uplands, riparian areas and water resources. Sort of a Riparian 101 class broken down into a new and different way, and to incorporate creative management to help restore and maintain them.