Urban Riparian and Stream Restoration Training – Junction- June 2nd, 2022

Urban Riparian and Stream Restoration Training - Junction
June 2, 2022
8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
RSVP by May 23, 2022
Cost: $50
Llano River Field Station
Texas Tech University Center at Junction
254 Red Raider Ln,
Junction, TX 76849
Information including the hydrologic cycle, basics to stream morphology, stream classification, stream instability, stream restoration, stabilization structure, vegetation, and monitoring and evaluation will be explained through classroom-style teaching in the morning session, and hands-on activities in the field at a nearby stream in the afternoon sessions. Participants will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the training.
Registration is limited to the first 20 people due to space limitations. Participants are encouraged to wear masks inside the meeting facility. Cost is $50 and includes all training materials, a catered lunch, and a certificate of completion at the end of the course. Registration is required by May 23, 2022, to Alexander Neal, program specialist, at 979-314-2351, Alexander.Neal@ag.tamu.edu. Lunch will be provided but participants may bring their own. Dress is casual and comfortable; hip boots/waders are required for the hands-on field assessment, as we will be in the river in the afternoon.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) available:
- Texas Nutrient Management Planning Specialists – 6 hours
- Texas Floodplain Management Association – 6 CEUs
- Certified Crop Advisor –- 7 CEUs (Nutrient Mgmt.: 1, Soil & Water: 2.5, IPM: 1, Sustainability: 2.5)
- Texas Board of Architectural Examiners “Acceptable for HSW credit”
- The program may also be used for CEUs for Professional Engineers.
- Check with your Chapter for Master Naturalist and Master Gardener to see if it is approved for your area.