July 20, 2018 | 9:30 am – 4 pm
GBRA William E. West, Jr. Annex Building, 905 Nolan, Seguin
Draft Agenda
- Welcome and Overview – Nikki Dictson, TRA President
- Financial Report – Anne Rogers, TRA Treasurer
- Update on Dallas Urban Riparian Symposium – Blake Alldredge, TRA Secretary & Tina Hendon, TRA Board
- Riparian Landowner Workshop Update – Clare Entwistle, TRA Board
- New Urban Riparian & Stream Restoration Program – Fouad Jaber, TRA Board
- Board Elections – Lori Hazel, TRA President-Elect
- Planning of Riparian Symposium in Dallas February 2019
- Discussion:
- Committees and Goals
- Discussion of future annual meeting dates and possible locations
- Open topics from members
- Field Visit to the Urban Riparian & Stream Restoration Demonstration Site at Sequin Outdoor Learning Center – Caravan to the Center
The Texas Riparian Association is very excited to provide an update on what we have ben doing, to plan the upcoming February 2019 Urban Riparian Symposium and to have board elections. We hope you all will join us for our next Annual Association Meeting. Please RSVP by email to Nikki Dictson at ndictson@ag.tamu.edu and include your name, entity, phone number, address, and email. Lunch will be provided please let us know if you have any special needs (dietary or other). We look forward to seeing everyone in Seguin!
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