RSVP for Riparian & Stream Ecosystem workshop in San Antonio on Nov. 6
Riparian, stream ecosystem workshop set for Nov. 6 in San Antonio
Contacts: Clare Entwistle, 210-277-0292 ext. 205, Clare.Entwistle@ag.tamu.edu
Aarin Teague, 210-302-3660, ateague@sara-tx.org
SAN ANTONIO – The Texas Water Resources Institute, or TWRI, will host a Texas Riparian and Stream Ecosystem Education Program workshop from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Nov. 6 in San Antonio for area residents interested in land and water stewardship in the Medina River watershed.

The San Antonio River. (Texas Water Resources Institute photo)
The workshop is free and open to the public.
The morning session will be at the Mays Family Scout Ranch, 3445 Fest Rd. The afternoon session will include a walk and presentations along the Medina River.
Clare Entwistle, TWRI research associate in San Antonio, said the workshop is co-hosted locally by the San Antonio River Authority and the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Bexar County.
Attendees must RSVP by Nov. 1 online at http://bit.ly/2A03VGn or contact Entwistle at 210-277-0292, ext. 205, or clare.entwistle@ag.tamu.edu.
The program will include a lunchtime presentation. The San Antonio River Authority is sponsoring a catered lunch, or participants may bring their own lunch.
Aarin Teague, senior engineer at the San Antonio River Authority, said the Medina River watershed drains some 1,112 square miles through parts of Bandera, Medina and Bexar counties.
“The Medina River is an important water resource providing recharge to groundwater sources, water resources for human use, and recreation throughout these counties,” Teague said. “To help ensure the Medina River and its associated ecological, recreational and economic values are available for current and future generations, the San Antonio River Authority is supporting efforts in the watershed to work with private landowners to promote management practices that result in conservation of this valuable resource.”
Entwistle said proper management, protection and restoration of these areas directly influences water quality and quantity, plus stabilizes stream banks and improves fish and aquatic habitats and communities.
“The goal of the workshop is for participants to better understand riparian and watershed processes, the benefits of healthy riparian areas and what resources are available to prevent degradation while improving water quality,” she said.
Entwistle said the institute is able to offer the workshop without cost thanks to program funding provided through a Clean Water Act nonpoint source grant from the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Entwistle said participants will receive a certificate of completion and appropriate continuing education unit certificates at the conclusion of the training.
The workshop offers many types of continuing education units, including three units — two general and one integrated pest management — for Texas Department of Agriculture pesticide license holders. It offers one unit from the Texas Water Resources Institute, seven credits from Texas Floodplain Management Association, seven hours for Certified Crop Advisors, seven hours from the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying and six hours for Texas Nutrient Management Planning specialists. The program may also be used for continuing education units for professional engineers.
The riparian education program is managed by the Texas Water Resources Institute, part of Texas A&M AgriLife Research, AgriLife Extension and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Texas A&M University.
For more information, contact Entwistle or visit http://texasriparian.org or go to Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TexasRiparianAssociation.
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