Restoration Demonstration Water Quality Monitoring

On January 11-12, 2018, a total of four automated water samplers were placed along the stream at the beginning and end of each site. The samplers were placed above the visible high water mark approximately 40 to 60 feet upland to reduce potential for floodwaters to disturb the instrument set up. The samplers will be programmed to collect water samples from the creek during a storm event that produces 1 inch or more of precipitation.

Photo shows the set-up of an automated sampler within a protection box that will collect storm water samples from the creek.

Photo shows the effort in placing the automated samplers at a safe distance above the visual high water mark.


On July 13, 2018 the TWRI team collected the first quarterly grab samples along with erosion pin measurements. The ISCOs, also, underwent maintenance and calibration. The demonstration site is ready for the first 1-inch rain event.

TWRI team member collecting a quarterly water grab sample from Geronimo Creek