Request for Abstracts – Virtual Urban Riparian Symposium – Feb. 10 – 12, 2021
2021 Urban Riparian Symposium: Down by the Riverside: Creating Connections in a Distanced World
February 10 – 12, 2021
Abstracts are being sought for oral presentations and posters for the Urban Riparian Symposium: Down by the Riverside: Creating Connections in a Distanced World set to take place February 10 – 12, 2021. The symposium will be held virtual this year so presenters are encouraged to submit abstracts for presentations that can be delivered in an online format with a focus on engaging in a distanced world. Pre-recorded, live presentations, or audio only presentations will be considered. Please submit abstracts via our online portal on or before December 14, 2020. Email texasriparian@gmail.com with any questions.
If your abstract is accepted, it will be published in the Conference Proceedings. The sessions for the Conference Program will be organized based on the list of topics below. Provided your presentation meets the selection criteria, we will do our best to include you in the program.
Session Topics for Conference

Oral Presentations
Oral presentations will be 20 minutes in length (15 minutes for your presentation with 5 minutes for questions). If your abstract is accepted, you will receive additional information regarding presentation logistics and guidelines. Please note that the length of each presentation is subject to change. If your presentation is part of a series of presentations please notify us of the other presentation/s that it is paired with.
Poster Presentations
Poster presentations are strongly encouraged as they allow extended informal discussions and active participation of co-authors. There will be a dedicated poster session on Thursday, February 11 in addition to the posters being displayed throughout the conference.
Photo Submissions (Not Restricted to URS Participants)
A picture is worth a thousand words, so TRA is requesting stream and nature related photos to be viewed during the symposium and posted afterwards on the TRA website. Please submit a digital image for viewing on a large screen to texasriparian@gmail.com and make images a minimum of 800 x 600 pixels and a maximum of 1600 x 1200 with a maximum resolution of 150 dpi or around 1 – 1.5MB in size. Include the name of the piece, type of media, and a bio of the artist. Artwork will be shown online with conference materials.
Registration Policy
All oral and poster presenters are required to register for the conference before January 10, 2021 or their abstract will risk being withdrawn from the final program. Early Bird and student rates will be available for $75. After January 10th the registration price will be $90.
Please include the following on the abstract submission
- Primary Presenter/Contact (one person only)
- Organization/Company
- Address, Telephone number & Email address of Primary Contact
- Poster or Oral Presentation (pre-recorded, live webinar, or audio only)
- Category(s) from Call for Abstracts
- Title of Presentation
- Author(s) (as it would appear in a publication)
- Abstract Text (300 word (Max)
Consider Sharing
- How is your project or research unique within the urban context? Within your city? How has it been adapted during the pandemic?
- What constraints, priorities, and opportunities are present in urban riparian systems that are not often part of traditional riparian projects?
- Who benefited most from the restoration efforts? What outreach was carried out?
- How were stakeholders identified and engaged with social distancing guidelines? Which stakeholders were most actively involved?
- What strategies were (and were not) successful?
Would you do things differently next time, based on lessons learned? What lessons can be taken from the city to the country and vice-versa?
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