2019 Urban Riparian Symposium
Building Community Connections for Healthy Urban Streams

Grapevine Convention Center Grapevine, Texas
February 27 – March 1, 2019
Early Conference Registration is Open! Register Online
Register Online for the afternoon Pre-Conference Workshops on 2/27/19.
Please register for the workshops online. Registration is limited, so reserve your spot early.
1. Green Infrastructure/ Low Impact Development Workshop,
Instructor: Dr. Fouad Jaber
2. Riparian Bullseye Assessment Training,(***Course is Full)
Instructors: Michael Jones and Stacey Haddad.
Pre-conference workshops are on Wednesday, February 27, 2019. Both workshops are free to attend and will be held from 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM.
** The Riparian Bullseye workshop is now full and registration has closed. If you are interested in being put on a waiting list in case space becomes available — please email clare.entwistle@ag.tamu.edu. There are still seats for the GI/LID workshop. Workshops will be held concurrently at different locations, so please make sure to look at the address for each workshop.
Conference Room Block at Comfort Inn Hotel Grapevine Ends 02/05/2019. King or Double Rooms $99/night and free parking.
Sponsor the 2019 Urban Riparian Symposium in Grapevine!
Artwork Submissions (Not Restricted to URS Participants)
A picture is worth a thousand words, so for the first year, TRA is requesting stream and nature related artwork submissions to be viewed during the symposium. All artforms are welcome. This is a new feature so input for displaying this gallery are welcome. Please submit a digital image for viewing on a large screen to Staryn Wagner and make images a minimum of 800 x 600 pixels and a maximum of 1600 x 1200 with a maximum resolution of 150 dpi or around 1 – 1.5MB in size. Include the name of the piece, type of media, and a bio of the artist.

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