Finding Success for Science through Social Media – Tips, Tools, and Tactics for Natural Resource Professionals
Finding Success for Science through Social Media – Tips, Tools, and Tactics for Natural Resource
April 13-14, 2017
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Room 201A, Building B
12100 Park 35 Circle
Austin, TX 78753
Registration Form to pay by Purchase Order or Check
Registration Link to pay by credit card or e-check
The Web is now more than 25 years old from the first design by Tim Berners-Lee to what we know today in 2014. Things have changed dramatically in design, writing standards and searchability. In addition, smart devices have outsold desktops significantly in the last 5 years. What does that mean to those in outreach and education? It means we have to continue to grow our expertise in learning how to connect the consumer to the important information we provide. We need to understand how content is found, how conversations and learning networks start, how to be discovered and what constitutes quality outreach. We have to know where to post, when to post and what to build on our websites. We have to learn how to reach our traditional clients as well as new clients. There are many successful models that can be used and applied in natural resource outreach and education that can help us down the road of discoverability.
Registration is $100 for both days! Please bring your own device.
April 13th: 1 PM-4 PM
Finding your Tribe –This half day is designed to help you figure out who is using what platforms and why. One of the most common missteps in your social media plan is using the wrong platforms for your goals. Find out what research and user-data tells you about where to put your resources and efforts. We will do some hands-on learning to discover where your tribe is and how your message can reach them. We will look at some of the new platforms as well as your materials and where you want to use them. We will cover accounts, designing strategies, learning best practices, analyzing outreach and planning schedules.
April 14th: 8:30 AM-3:30 PM
Getting Found with all the Noise. We will look at Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and some of the biggest platforms to learn how writing changes between them and making the most out of your content. How do you get found with so many competing voices? We’ll go through various exercises to help you build good content. We will look at some additional graphics and analysis tools to help you refine your reach. Learn some quick tricks and tips to get you down the road.
Please share with others who may be interested in attending this fabulous and informative course!
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