2021 Urban Riparian Symposium

The Urban Riparian Symposium, set for February 10 – 12, 2021, provides an opportunity for natural resource professionals to share ideas, discuss management and policy issues, lessons learned in urban riparian and stream planning, assessment, design, construction, and evaluation. The symposium will be held virtually and will include presentations, panel discussions, virtual socials. Early/Student registration is for $75 before January 17th. Late registration from January 18th – February 5th will be for $90.
Included with your conference registration is a complimentary, one year membership to the Texas Riparian Association.
Keynote speakers, panels, and concurrent sessions will take place in the mornings Wednesday – Friday. Wednesday afternoon will include virtual workshops and Thursday evening will include the virtual Texas Riparian Association Board Meeting and Reception. Virtual networking sessions will also occur throughout the Symposium.
For more information or questions please contact Clare Escamilla at 210-277-0292 ext 205 or clare.entwistle@ag.tamu.edu.
Refunds will be available prior to February 1st less a $15 processing fee. There will be no refunds for cancellations after February 1st, but substitutions are allowed, providing that notification is sent to Clare Escamilla (clare.entwistle@ag.tamu.edu) in advance.
All oral and poster presenters are required to register for the conference before January 17, 2021 or their abstract will risk being withdrawn from the final program. Early Bird and student rates will be available for $75. After January 17th the registration price will be $90.
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