2019 Urban Riparian Symposium
Building Community Connections for Healthy Urban Streams

Grapevine Convention Center Grapevine, Texas
February 27 – March 1, 2019
Early Conference Registration is Open! Register Online
Register Online for the afternoon Pre-Conference Workshops on 2/27/19.
Please register for the workshops online. Registration is limited, so reserve your spot early.
1. Green Infrastructure/ Low Impact Development Workshop,
Instructor: Dr. Fouad Jaber
2. Riparian Bullseye Assessment Training,
Instructors: Michael Jones and Stacey Haddad.
Pre-conference workshops are on Wednesday, February 15, 2019. Both workshops are free to attend and will be held from 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM. Workshops will be held concurrently at different locations, so please make sure to look at the address for each workshop .
Conference Room Block at Comfort Inn Hotel Grapevine Ends 02/05/2019. King or Double Rooms $99/night and free parking. Reserve a room through this link for special conference rate.
Submit Your Artwork
Artwork Submissions (Not Restricted to URS Participants)
A picture is worth a thousand words, so for the first year, TRA is requesting stream and nature related artwork submissions to be viewed during the symposium. All artforms are welcome. This is a new feature so input for displaying this gallery are welcome. Please submit a digital image for viewing on a large screen to Staryn Wagner and make images a minimum of 800 x 600 pixels and a maximum of 1600 x 1200 with a maximum resolution of 150 dpi or around 1 – 1.5MB in size. Include the name of the piece, type of media, and a bio of the artist.

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